They say "beauty is in the eye of the beholder." The relevance of this proverb comes to light when one understands the amount of prejudice that for centuries linked by the halo effect. The idea germinated from the halo effect is in our minds, if not outright intent from generation to generation by education into the mainstream cultural, social, education, and more significantly through folk tales and mythological stories. So extensive is the halo effect that is considered crucial in the study of human psychology. The concept of the halo effect was first established by the American psychologist Edward Thorndike in 1920. Here is a brief summary of how the halo effect is immersed in our minds and their implications.
Germination halo effect on our minds
Fairy tales and mythology: Tales was considered a common source of entertainment, has gone from one generation to the other in writing or through word of mouth. They are one of the first stories for children young and elderly. However, mythology and folk tales always have a clear distinction between good and bad qualities by combining some additional physical retail character. For example, all the "good" kings and queens also said good, fair, and the angels, when all the "bad" personalities are sometimes also called ugly and evil. Characters like Snow White and Cinderella are associated with beauty and innocence, while all those causing ill-treatment of them is designated as the ugly stepsisters, the stepmother evil, etc.
Religious representations: Religion has had a hand in creating the halo effect. It is commonly seen that all pictures and art prints represent God and all the godly men who have a halo round circle of other behind their heads. Furthermore, each religion portrayed their gods and goddesses to be beautiful through religious portraits.
Film and Cinema: Unless some examples, the films and the film is always described as signs of his leadership position in the beautiful and handsome. They are the epitome of elegance, safety, good communication skills, leadership skills and are up to date with the latest technical innovations. ie. James Bond.
Perceptions Halo Effect
. Perceptions halo effect is commonly referred to as "The affect heuristic" In simpler words, it refers to an unfounded presumption of goodness and badness of a useless part of the beauty or ugliness thing Some common examples of the halo effect is.:
* A person wearing an elegant dress is supposed to be rich.
* Innocent face person is presumed to be honest.
* A blonde girl is supposed to be stupid.
* A doctor with stethoscope and white coat is supposed to be the best.
The halo effect is related not only to humans but also with inanimate objects. There are several examples to prove it.
* Person to visit the store to buy a rose scented soap. Assuming that this person does not give the importance of commodity prices, and that there are several competitors rose soaps on the market, there is a risk that a person buys the soap is based on the attractiveness of its packaging.
* A person planning to visit a new restaurant. It has two locations as options. The maximum number of cases, it tends to choose a location with better mood and look. Here the quality of the food and service are always supposed to be good if the place is beautiful and vice versa.
* In the world of advertising, which is based on the well-known brand ambassador is usually assumed to be reliable.
Halo effect on the life
Halo Effect at home
Assuming that the family has two male children, one of which is beautiful and attractive to look at and others seem to be ugly, because many parents are accustomed to assume their child's attractive to be smarter, more intelligent with a higher level of IQ and personality better than their baby ugly. These prejudices are created without any intention, but persisted in the community of all time. Especially when a mother was quoted as saying that if his two young daughters were crying at the same time, so there was every chance that she would be the first comfort prettier.
Halo Effect in education
In schools or higher education, the prejudices of the halo effect occurs when one chooses his new friends, or when teachers grade their students. We often meet people who are trying to find friends with attractive / beautiful people in the research, because it is assumed that their company will be more comfortable. Even teachers are seen to make a difference in this way, when the ranking of their students.
Halo Effect in social life
Often when children seeking a new life partner, girls are still viewed as looking for someone who is "tall, dark and handsome," while boys tend to attributes such as kindness and intelligence a beautiful girl. It is, in some ways a small version of Darwin's theory that emphasizes survival "of the fittest! Or rather, more attractive and halo. For centuries, there was a general preference for white skin and fair in all regions. There have been many racial prejudices based on skin color, because it has always assumed that whites are superior to blacks. This side of the halo effect has led to social unrest and war in different times worldwide.
Halo Effect at work
At work, play halo effect of his tricks in the process of interviews and appointments, assigning work, promotions and added value, etc. In most organizations, while interviewing new candidates for a position, there is every chance of selecting candidates interviewers attractive than discouraged. Research shows that there is always an unconscious assumption that people are more intelligent attractive, more honest and better able to integrate into the organization. This halo effect can be seen further when people attractive responsibility better job than others. Therefore, it was observed that most employees have a chance to get a better understanding of their work and greater opportunities for future promotions and salary increases.
Halo Effect in politics
Halo effect makes the clear effect of the political situation too. Often it is seen that during the elections in two or more competing candidates, the public can easily vote for a political candidate who is more beautiful and the best orator of all. This is because, a charming personality is a hypnotic effect, that people believe that the candidate is honest, intelligent and great leadership qualities. The irony of this halo effect hypothesis is that some of the worst political tyrants past and present are considered an attractive personality.
Halo effect in law and order
In the field of justice and law and order, the halo effect comes to play in the exercise of judicial decisions. Research shows that an unattractive criminal may have to pay a fine twice the amount paid for a criminal appeal in search of a similar crime. The police have often been seen as soft on crime attractive because they are supposed to be incapable of doing anything wrong. However, this observation has often been challenged by law enforcement on grounds such as the difference in the circumstances of the crime rather than the physical appearance of the criminals.
Avoid the halo effect
Bias through the halo effect are usually private, but they exist. Some simple methods to avoid being influenced by the halo effect are listed below.
* Never assume that the first impression is the lasting impression. This is particularly true in the work setting, where it is assumed that the character of a candidate based on his / looks and dressing sense. The truth is that some of the best quality and favorable one person can only be achieved through recurrent interaction and experience. Employers can use techniques such as handwriting analysis, IQ tests, background checks and interview techniques of stress to judge a candidate's intelligence and nature. When it comes to promoting an employee, it is advisable to obtain various grades of different supervisors and have an average performance index.
* Choose the perfect political leader is not always easy. Citizens should exercise caution before choosing their political leader. It is important to check whether a candidate past political achievements, completion rates, criminal history, if someone before you make assumptions about its capabilities.
* In a judicial system, the jury may rely on stress tests to detect deception and maintenance of the accused before reaching conclusions on the level of crime. To help a fair trial is always recommended that judges should refer to orders issued in the past in similar offenses to imprisonment and a fine of compensation.
* When it comes to halo effect at home, parents need to stay away from the halo effect of fair play and practices cited in the case of their children. Never discriminate against your child based on their appearance, when all they really seem to you. Parents should value their children's current capacity and encourages the development of new ones. Children look up to these ideals of their parents and guides. It 'important for parents to build trust and mutual love to help their children succeed in life.