Elephant Tattoos can be very realistic or cartoon-like. The latter seems to be the preferred style. This is usually exaggerated traits such as the trunk, ears and tusks. They typically sport long eyelashes and an innocent look, and is usually seen in unusual situations, for example, have a leash, or on the lap of a pin-up model, fairy or perhaps even the carrier itself. The elephant show more realistic versions in great detail, often showing each line in his thick skin. They are usually displayed in their natural habitat, sometimes standing quietly in a field or playful splashing water, while other times they seem to charge or fight against each other.
Some of the most aesthetically interesting for elephants have tattoos Indian designs. In India and throughout Asia, elephants are kept high, this is an example of the god Ganesh, often shown in art and architecture. For this style, which could show the style of the portrait of the elephant face and trunk, elaborately painted, beautiful silks on his back, and exquisite jewelry on strong legs. You can also create something more artistic and show a similar appearance to the old paint, fading red, orange, yellow, blue and pale. This elephant can have a very rounded, and have traps like the image of the elephant. You can also create something that looks like an elephant ceramic work. These can be done in soft colors with lots of details in the background, however, the image of the elephant is likely to remain largely the same.
Some elephants have tattoos only the outlines of that creature. These can show the whole body, or may show a more aggressive appearance, with only the head swinging wildly in the air. For this style, may also include the smallest details as part of the elephant, for example, can display a clock on the parts of an elephant, you can display small flowers, precious stones or even the body of the skeleton in the side of your body.