By far, the black panther tattoo track the most popular. This style is simple, but this proportion is generally formed around large areas of the body and is often used to cover the old pieces of body art. The design usually have the muscles round black cat, claws extended, and usually with an open, snarling mouth. It is not uncommon to see small bursts of color, usually blue, green, golden yellow and red eyes and mouth. An idea of this design would be to show that the animal literally get a leg or arm, in this production, which could leave claw marks in red to show the progress of their journey.
Some tattoo designs are other scenes and busts Panther. Many people love their tattoos Panther this feature only head and shoulders of the animal, and these programs regularly, with fangs exposed, sometimes with blood dripping from the tip. Also sometimes show their teeth seem to tear the skin and therefore represents the "Beast Within". Styles stage usually show a natural setting, a panther walking around a large rich wetlands, grass, lying beside a pool of water, perhaps lazily dipping a paw in thought, or even a large tree.
Panther tribal tattoos and Chinese are also gaining popularity. The tribe panther is usually done in a dark contour in bold, while the Chinese leopard powerful features, an expression of evil, which is linked to fighters execution block of wood, and long claws. These, unlike the tribal style, generally have other symbols around it to create a broader theme. For example, consider a panther crouching beside a foaming waterfall;. Bust of a panther in the middle of colorful flowers, or locked with a dragon or snake This style can be simple, and show the Panther himself, with a velvet background bright red or orange.
Although seen as a greedy, Panthers also gentle and usually quiet, unless their families are at risk. This is - for all other symbols and artistic value aside - perhaps the reason for someone to gravitate towards the panther tattoos.