In vivid contrast, February 16 brought forth a whirling dervish of singing, dancing perkiness in the forms of Broadway dynamo Gretchen Wyler (February 16, 1932), chirpy television canary Peggy King (February 16, 1930), the astonishingly wasp-waisted Vera-Ellen (February 16, 1921 - August 30, 1981), and Andrews Sisters frontwoman Patty Andrews (February 16, 1918).

Needless to say, we're enamored of both sugar and spice here at SSUWAT, and truly enjoy and admire all of these birthday celebrants. Whether your preferences run towards triple-lashed decadence or Dory Schary-approved wholesomeness, we hope that you endeavor to make every day a celebration - and that SSUWAT helps you along a bit!