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Wisconsin Dems Using Dirty Tricks To Fight Recall Effort

The Wisconsin Republican Party has charged that Democrats were engaging in a dirty trick campaign to suppress the recall effort against Democratic state senator Dave Hansen.

In a statement on its blog, the Wisconsin GOP said that Democrats phoned people who signed a petition to recall Hansen, only they altered the caller ID so that it appeared the calls were coming from "BayCare Aurora" -- a local Green Bay hospital.

“It’s disgusting that the Dems would use a fake call from a hospital to trick people into answering their phones – only so they could harass and intimidate them into saying they did not sign a recall petition,” Mark Jefferson, executive director of the Republican Party of Wisconsin, said in the statement.  “People who received that call may have feared the worst – an unexpected call from a hospital can bring terrible news about a loved one. The Democrats’ intent was obviously to confuse and upset people, hoping they would be disoriented and easily tricked into saying they had not signed a recall petition.

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