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Salisbury Maryland All American City, COME ON NOW!

You know, IF the former Mayor and current Mayor actually gave a damn about the City of Salisbury, would it take exposing images like the ones above a hundred times for them to see the real truth about who they are/were?

I took these photos yesterday and quite frankly it broke my heart. So what needs to be done about it. Many have asked me when I publish things like this I should at least attempt to try and provide a solution to the problem.

Well, for starters we supported Jim Ireton as Mayor with the hope he'd see the blight in Salisbury, (outside his attacks on SAPOA) and do somehing about it. After all, what you're seeing is the City's responsibility. Shouldn't the lead by example first?

There are a couple of ways I'd attack this head on. First, I'd start a Downtown property owners association. I'd ask each property owner to pony up $100.00 a month to maintain just the grounds.

Secondly, I'd ask citizens, (at their will) to make donations, (especially every Third Friday) to maintain the Downtown Plaza. I'd work with the Volunteer Firefighters to encourage them to build PRIDE back into our Downtown Main Street area. I'd ask the Police Chief if she'd be willing to bring in low risk prisoners or even work release prisoners to also help maintain the Downtown area.

I'd demand that every property owner or their tennants sweep in front of their buildings on a daily basis. Being so passive by sitting idle waiting for Public Works to do it is just wrong.

I'd take a small portion of the $100.00 a month fee from property owners and reward the property of the month. Treating the Downtown area wth such a care free attitude is one main reason the Downtown is failing.

Why would someone like Starbucks want to come there if this is what they get to see every day! While there are plenty of other corporations I could use as an example, you get the drift.

Sooner than later the Downtown Plaza will lose its biggest cheerleader, Anne Taylor. Quite frankly, she's given up and I can't say as I blame her. Every single year promisses are made, discussions are held and what happens, absolutely nothing.

My answers may not be the best answers out there but at least its a start. If YOU have any ideas, please, I welcome each and every one of them. No matter what though, something needs to be done starting yesterday.