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Salisbury Council Gets Off to Uneventful Start

The newly constituted Salisbury city council began their tenure with fairly uneventful, two hour, first legislative session.  Every vote was unanimous.  Matters that may have been controversial, such as the speed camera legislation, were treated as though they were routine.
A little over one hour of the meeting was devoted to the presentation of Mayor Jim Ireton’s FY 2012 budget.  Staying on message, Ireton emphasized that Salisbury’s city government was doing more with less and that city employees were bearing the brunt of city cost cutting through the use of furloughs.
While it is true that city spending has seen a general decline (5.95%)  under Ireton’s stewardship, local attorney Bob Taylor pointed out during public comment that city spending has increased 55.46% from FY 2005 through FY 2012.  The FY 2012 budget, Ireton’s second, is a 5.88% increase over last year.