It was bound to happen again, sooner or later; we've been sprinkled with fairy dust by that paragon of WASP breeding and taste, Reggie Darling! We must say, it's quite an honor to be considered for the Stylish Blogger Award by the redoubtable Reggie Darling. Also, we must admit to having a moment of complete and utter stupidity when, a few weeks ago, Frl. Irene Palfy of All That Glitters is Not Old commented on one of our posts that she had "nominated" us for this same award. At the time, we thought, How nice just to be nominated! We wonder when the winner will be announced! We didn't realize that we had been one of her chosen winners, and we deeply apologize for inadvertently not accepting our award the first time around. We hope that some gracious person accepted on our behalf!

Of course, as with all of these memes, a bit of work is involved for the recipient. Here are the rules:
1. Thank and link back to the person(s) who awarded you.
2. Share seven things about yourself.
3. Award ten other bloggers.
4. Contact those bloggers and tell them about the award.
We've taken care of #1; now on to that loathesome second rule! In no order of importance, here are seven facts about us. Gather 'round, darlings:

- The only food we absolutely refuse to eat is brains. (And, by food, we mean food that one could reasonably find on a New York City menu -- not tarantulas or yak penis or insects.) We're in love with escargot; we adore tripe; we're sweet on sweetbreads; kidneys are keen; liver in all of its preparations is lovely -- but we draw the line at brains.
- We don't perspire discreetly; we sweat. We are therefore forever indebted to Certain Dri® Anti-Perspirant and Brooks Brothers' cotton handkerchiefs, available by the baker's dozen.
- We've been mugged twice: the combined booty for the culprits tallies up to a Louis Vuitton clutch; a Cartier pen; two Cartier watches; a Cartier cigarette lighter; an alligator cigarette case; alligator gloves; cash.
- We travel much lighter these days.
- We once had a fabulous collection of vintage glass cocktail shakers from the 1930's, which was smashed to smithereens in a move.
- We harbor a secret desire to sing.
- We had no idea, until recently, that a person's chin could be used erotically.

Now, we have a (more or less) annual tradition of highlighting some of our favorite blogs and bloggers. Since we have shone the spotlight on nearly all of our favorites at one point or another, any list of 10 other Stylish Blogs would be repetitive. Therefore, we are cheating a bit and only nominating one site, which has only been up and running for a few months: MattAdore, a Tumblr by our very good friend, the fabulous MC! We're not entirely familiar with the Tumblr format, so we're not even sure if MC will be able to "accept" his award in this traditional fashion; but, regardless, we want to draw your attention to his amazing site. Far from being a random collection, MattAdore is a sly, witty, ever-evolving collage of carefully chosen images which all have a connecting theme: sometimes subtle, sometimes wicked, always clever. We absolutely love it, and adore MC!

Our other favorite MattAdore.
We're thrilled to have SSUWAT recognized in such a way, and we hope that we continue to amuse and entertain you, in a stylish manner! As always, thank you for continuing to visit us; and Reggie Darling, thank you for the honor.