Last year, we spotlighted some of our favorite blogs and bloggers. In case you don't remember, this road map to fabulosity led you to: the legendary Fabulon, now reincarnated as Chateau Thombeau; midwestern glamour at Doing Hard Time in Shaker Heights; the jet-setting splendor that is Savoir Faire; fashion and design served up with a side of va-va-va-voom at Stella's Roar; the notorious j*o*e*, whose hell is definitely not for children; beautification from Vintage a Go-Go; the fine Italian hand of Suffering Fools Badly; classy asses from SissyDude; the babe of the bayou, the Cajun cutie, the Louisiana hayride himself, Jason of Night is Half Gone; Infomaniac, run by our resident headmistress (or mistress of head), MJ; Mean Dirty Pirate, or Reflections of a Lot Lizard; the blessedly-restored Cafe Muscato; the sophisticated snark that is the one, the only, Mr. Peenee; a Lethal Dose of hairhopping mayhem; and Our Mr. Brooks over at An Open Book. A late addition to this honor roll was Poseidon's Underworld, which is the nicest thing one can read the morning after. Today, we add another clutch of marvelous blogs to the list, some of which you already know and love, and some of which may be new to you. There are many, many more to be found on our Links; we wish we had the time to pay tribute to you all. Rest assured, a place among our links means we endorse you wholeheartedly! And if there are any blogs you crazy kids know of that we have yet to discover, please pass them along to us. Have fun exploring, darlings!