Darlings, if Poseidon's Underworld (from whence we stole these uber-fab images) is not a frequent stop on your blog itinerary, it should be. If your personal A-Z of fabulousness includes Ann Sothern, Brenda Vaccaro, Christopher Atkins, Dana Wynter, Edith Head, Finola Hughes, Gil Gerard, Hugh O'Brian, Irwin Allen, James Franciscus, Karen Black, Lynda Day George, Merle Oberon, Nancy Drew, Olivia de Havilland, Perry King, Ruth Roman, Stella Stevens, Ty Hardin, Virginia Grey, William Holden, Yvette Mimieux and Zorro - well, that's why you're here! But Poseidon3 takes the same icons that SSUWAT holds near and dear, and fleshes them out in breathtaking, enviable detail. You'll have a ball, and spend hours, perusing his funny, thoughtful, scrupulously researched posts. Reading his entries is almost as fun and delightful as watching the So-Swoonily-Bad-They're-Fabulous movies that he loves. So put on your Carol Lynley hot pants and pay him a visit today, and every day, won't you? Bless you.